Off-page SEO and Link Building Guides For New Blogs.

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) is a process adopted by the search engines to rank websites so that the users find the most optimized search results.

For example, if you search “Basics of Blogging 2021” you will see our website has been ranked first. 

Why do you think so ?

It’s because it is SEO optimized.

Why is SEO important?

off-page SEO

SEO gives free traffic to your website without you having to spend a penny. 

Various  research has shown that people click on either of the first three results. They are mostly satisfied with what they are looking for. 

So the primary objective will be to rank in top 3 or at least in the top page. 

You can do it this two ways. 

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing 

The ads that you see above are SEM. You pay Google everytime someone clicks on it. 

When we are talking about SEO, we are referring to Google

And Google has 200+ factors for rankings which nobody knows but Google. 

But various experts have tried to crack their algorithm for ranking. We will be discussing about that in brief. 

These are the four basic Important factors to rank your page. 

  • Backlinks
  • Content : link to content writing
  • User experience
  • Site structure

Without this don’t even think of other factors. 

There are two types of SEO optimization

  1. On page SEO : Activities related to the website
  2. Off page SEO : Activities outside that of the website 

What is Off page SEO? 

As the name suggests, Off page SEO refers to all the activities you do outside the website to rank your content on search engines.

In this article we will only be talking of Off page SEO and one of the main factors is link building. 

Why is Backlinks important ? 

Off page SEO indicates to Google what people actually think about your website, how authentic and relevant it is. It is a good way to increase organic traffic. 

As told earlier Google has 200+ factors to rank and the number one amongst them all is backlinks.

If you have got many backlinks, Google will understand that as your website is authentic and it stands apart.

It is common sense that people will only link to your site if they like your content and website. That’s the reason Google gives preference. 

Backlinks also helps you to build your brand and build relationships.


Internal link structure refers to a structure which lets you link the other pages of your website with any other relative pages.

It is highly difficult for you to rank all the articles from your website. 

It’s obvious that some rank and some don’t. 

Do interlinking from highly performing pages to poor performing pages of your own page.  

So when poor performing pages start getting traffic, it will make Google realize that it’s valuable content and it will rank them above. 

By implementing a good interlinking process the overall health of your site will improve and so will your Domain Authority. 

Interlinking is important for both SEO and navigation purposes. 

In 600 word’s articles try to use 3-4 internal links. 

How to get backlinks ?

1. Creating Epic Content 

Create great content which will stand out from the millions of other blogs out there. People should be compelled to share your article. 

If you are selling any kind of products or services, then no doubt this will be your best way to do content marketing. 

2. Hooking your audience

Hook your audience with facts, statistics, case study examples, tools, unique strategies or any kind of visualization. 

When you create content like this, it will make others share it and you get a backlink in return.  

Neil Patel and Brian Dean have increased their brand mentions through this. 

3. Guest Post

You can write a guest post on others’ websites and get a backlink. The process is called guest blogging.

This is a good way to generate traffic to your site. 

This is however more difficult from the first two because you have to reach out for them and do a lot of work just for one backlink. 

You should give people a reason to link to you 

Subject : Amazing piece of content that I wish to write for you 

Hi (their first name). Hope you’re doing great. 

I m (your name) and I write at (link of your website) 

I love your work and I always love to read your article. The article you published recently (attach link ) is my favorite of them all. I never fail to link to your article when I’m writing.   

The reason I’m writing to you is because I have found a good content idea (mention the topic) which perfectly suits (attach their website link) audience. 

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

I appreciate your time and I would be more than happy to work with you. 

PS: What’s in it for me? Just want the exposure as a co-author for one of your blog posts

Thanks and Regards 

(Your name) 

4. Find Broken links of other website

When you find broken links of other websites, contact the owner and tell them how they can replace that link with the link to your article which is more relevant. 

This way you’re helping them and you’re also getting a backlink in return. 

Here’s a template of mail for the same : 

Subject : There’s something wrong with one of your links on your page 

Hi (their first name). Hope you’re doing great. 

I love your work and I always love to read your article. The article you published recently (attach link ) is my favorite of them all.  

When I was going through your website, I found a broken link. This (insert broken link) is on (insert webpage of broken link) and it doesn’t work anymore. 

I have written a similar article on it which will help your visitors. You can check it out here (insert the link to your article). If you like the article, you can consider to switch the link. 

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

Thanks and Regards 

(Your name) 

5. Infographics

Make compelling infographics that people are forced to share it with their audience and when they do so they link to your site. 

Include anchor text to the images and infographics that you are making. 

You can also make infographics for others and get credits for it.

Subject : Visual content for (Title of their post) 

Hi (their first name). Hope you’re doing great. 

I m (your name) and I work at (link of your website) 

I love your work and I always love to read your article. The article you published recently (attach link ) is my favorite of them all. I never fail to link to your article when I’m writing.   

The reason I’m writing to you is because I have found a good infographic idea for your post (mention link) which perfectly suits (attach their website link) audience. 

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

I appreciate your time and I would be more than happy to work with you. 

Thanks and Regards 

(Your name) 

6. Reach out to people who have linked to your competitors website

You need to use tools like Ubersuggest, AHREF or SEMRush to find out who your competitors are for the keywords you want to rank. 

Then find a number of people who have linked out to them. You can contact them and tell them your reason why they should link to you instead of your competitor. 

Here’s a template of the mail for the same 

Subject : Feedback on the article on (mention the article name) 

Hi (their first name). Hope you’re doing great. 

I love your work and I always love to read your article. The article you published recently (attach link ) is my favorite of them all.  

When I was going through the above article, I found a link (insert link) which speaks about (mention what it speaks about)

I have written a similar article on it which will help your visitors. In that I have mentioned (mention why your article is more unique than that). You can check it out here (insert the link to your article). If you like the article, you can consider to switch the link. 

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

Thanks and Regards 

(Your name) 

7. If you have a unique strategy, then name it 

Naming your strategies will help you to get linked very easily. “The moving man method” and “The Skyscraper Technique” were all named by Brian Dean of Backlinko

8. Have a headline that people would share

For example consider you w=are writing about “ Ways to get rid of belly fat”

You can make your headline as “10 ways to get rid of belly fat”

Or “10 unique ways of getting rid of belly fat which you didn’t know”

This will increase the chances of people sharing it. 

9. Reach out to people who have outdated content

Customize your search on Google and find out older content. Read and see if the content needs to be updated and if it is performing well.

If not, reach out to them and tell them how you can help them. 

Subject : There is something wrong on your site 

Hi (their first name). I hope you’re doing great. 

I love your work and I always love to read your article. The article you published recently (attach link ) is my favorite of them all.  

When I was going through your website, I found that (insert link of the article) is very outdated. The content is good but some of the ideas and information are well outdated now. 

I was just thinking that perhaps I can write the updated version for you instead. Let me know if you’ll be interested to collaborate on a [2020 version of the topic]

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

PS: What’s in it for me? Just want the exposure as a co-author for one of your blog posts. 

Thanks and Regards 

(Your name) 

Few points to keep in mind about backlinks 

  • Try to get backlinks from old domains instead of new ones. It will help your page rank better 
  • Domain authority of the websites you are getting backlinks from matter in your page rankings
  • Getting backlinks from domain such as .in or .au will help you rank better in that country
  • Your backlink should always be from a related Website only. If yours is a Finance related website you shouldn’t get a backlink from a sports related website. 
  • You can use tools like email hunter to find the mail ID of the person whom you are trying to mail.
  • Use tools like Yesware and Boomerang to schedule your mails and to know who is opening up your mail. 

If people are reading and not replying, then try to change your strategy of outreaching them.

Doing the same thing again and again and complaining of not working it is foolish. 

When you want to make sales, try to use landing pages. 

Conclusion :

The true purpose of Google to update algorithms related to off page SEO is to guide their users properly when they navigate their site.

Keep this in mind always. If your page is not providing value to your users then Google will never rank your website.

Check where your links are pointing to and repair it as and when required.

Use tools like Google Analytics and find out what is driving more traffic whether its social media or backlinks and then optimize it. 

Feel free to check out this other yet powerful article, On-Page SEO optimization.

If you have implemented any of these Off-page SEO techniques, let us know in the comments below. If you want any assistance, you can always mail us at

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