Part-time jobs are a great way to make some extra money in your free time to support yourselves financially. If you can work a few hours daily from home, online part-time jobs will work best for you
The majority of the people want to earn some cash online as the internet industry is on boom now. Earlier we have talked about 25 ways to make money online from home.
Here we give you the top 10 online part-time jobs you can start today with negligible investments.
But rather you should give a few hours daily to start making money online.
Table of Contents
1. Freelancing
Freelancing is a method of earning while you work for different companies on particular assignments without actually being an employee of the company.
If you’re good in designing or if you are good in programming you will be able to find many online freelancing jobs to make a handsome money.
There are many skills under which you can work and earn money from anywhere. As it’s said, always practice makes a man perfect. So you need to have patience to perfect the skill
Along with the skill of your niche you should also have the ability to convey to someone how you can be a good fit to the role that has been assigned to you. Again this negotiation skill will come to you over time.
So you can take up freelancing as your part time while you work in a company or while studying in University.
2. Consulting
Consulting is a method of helping or advising somebody to scale or improvise their product/service.
In the case of Business consulting, it’s about making sales or marketing and other business related functions. Whereas a design consultant will advise and give suggestions to improve the design. On the other hand, a career consultant will help a student and guide him in his career. So it depends on which field you want to be a consultant.
You don’t have to be an expert to do consulting. But you need to be knowledgeable and have some experience.
Consulting is one of the best part time online jobs you can have. You can make even upto $100 per phone/skype by just advising them or by doing any other similar task of managing finance etc.
3. Copywriting
Copywriting is a method of driving traffic and making sales through writing content about a product/service.
You can work as a part-time copywriter for a company/agency/ organization and make a decent amount of money.
Everything that you own or the service that you have bought could be due to the influence of a copywriter who actually made you buy.
If you think you are innovative and smart or if you have the determination and patience to succeed in time, you could take this up as your part-time job.
4. Blogging

Blogging is a method of publishing your content or stories on a website. You could start your own website for this or contribute to somebody else’s website.
Again this method of part time working will not only help you to earn at present but it can also generate a passive income for you lifetime.
As any other job, you need to identify your passion/ interest and start writing about them. Once your website has a good amount of readers you can apply for Adsense or any other affiliate programs and start earning.
Initially you might not get any return. It will certainly take time to scale it up. So be patient and work hard smartly.
5. Online tutoring
Due to the present Covid-19 crisis, there is a drastic rise in online classes and online courses.
If you have everyday 3-4 hours free time , you could schedule an online class in the field that you are good at. Mathe teaching a language or maybe teaching history or anything else
You could also schedule your time to record classes everyday, make it as a course and then sell it. You can sell a course anywhere between $100 – $500. And your course will always be there and you can keep earning life long.
You can sell these courses to Udemy or any other relevant online platform.
6. Web designing
Since most of the people rely on the internet, almost every company/organization has a website to reach out to their customers.
You can take the task of handling their website as a part time job. For this you need to know HTML,CSS and JavaScript at least.
You could either work for an organisation or you could work as a freelancer and make money. Sounds easy right?
7. Online SEO manager
Google has its method to rank the websites for the searches we make according to the authenticity and relevance of the content that the user is looking for. This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
You could take up the task of being a part-time SEO Manager for a particular website. Your task would be to audit the website and try to make Google rank the contents to the first page.
There is a lot of demand for this field. You can easily start earning through this.
8. Data entry jobs
Data entry is a method of inputting information to the computer from non electronic forms of data which could be forms or surveys or anything else.
This is one of the easiest and low skilled part time job that could be done at home.
All you need to do for this is Microsoft office and Google collaborative applications.
You would be paid according to the level of work that has been assigned to you by the company/organization.
9. Content writing
It’s very simple. Here you need to write content for a media or news agency or a celebrity’s social media page.
By doing so you’ll be paid either on the amount of words you have written or on the amount of hours you have spent.
This is one of the easiest online part-time jobs you could choose.
You could also write articles for websites or be a freelancer and take multiple projects.
10. Social media marketing

As you know, the entire world is relying on the internet to do any research of any product/service.
You can find a lot of companies who are actually relying on social media marketing to reach out to its audience.
All you need to do is create good content for Social media such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn etc and they try to bring in sales for the company.
You can take up this task as a part time job . Before taking this , you need to know where the audience is and how you would be targeting.
For example
- If you’re asked to sell toys , you should target TV commercials or YouTube since kids use these two ik their childhood.
- For jewellery, you can target Instagram and Facebook. But again you need to target your audience for women.
- If you’re to sell a course on programming, then you can use LinkedIn and target people between the age of 20-30.
You need to be smart and understand where your audience is and what could be the best way to reach out to them. By bringing in sales and helping the company, you can earn good money.
If you are really interested in online earning you should learn for a few months initially and watch for the options available and cross-check what works best for you. Always focus on LEARNING BEFORE EARNING.